3POS文化含义第一层: 3——Means many and good(意味着多,好的意思) 3P——People(团队) Promptness(敏捷) Prosperity(繁荣) O——Oriented 关注(Customer/Market/Supplier/Society/Insut 客户/市场/供应商/社会/盈塑) S——Sibling(of Insut )(家园) 第二层: 员工有好的前景,公司有好的前景和持续的赢利能力,员工可以从中领到满意收入。 Second meaning: Means Intretech staff have good future, Intretech has good future,every sibling of Insut can get satisfied payment.
| 3POS LOGO 含义标志由3(三)、P、O、S四个元素和谐组合而成,直接阐述了3POS文化的含义;Logo is a harmonious combination of 3POS, describes its direct meaning. 标志由红色渐变到橙色,既传承了万利达的基本色调,又传达了3POS文化中的激情文化;Logo turns from red to orange, inherits from Malata logo and conveys the passion culture. 标志中舞动的S展现了盈趣Sibling的健康与活力,展示了3POS文化中的运动文化;Dancing “S” reveals the health and vitality of Intretech Sibling, displays the sport culture. 标志把3POS融汇成一个大写的字母P(People),融合了3POS文化中的人本文化。Logo is a capital “P”, explains the People-Oriented culture. |
Vision:To be the leader of intelligent manufacturer in precision plastic structural parts!
Core Mission: Make life interesting!
Core Concept:People, Promptness, Prosperity, Sibling.
Core Values:Customer first ,Quality first; Honest administration, Profit-profit cooperation; Agile team, prosperous Sibling.